
Jellyfin (docker) quick and dirty

Done on Debian, Docker required. Mind the folder names.

Preparation – Mount a samba share via fstab

create a folder/mountpoint:
mkdir /media/video

For safety create a credentials file in your home folder called .smbcred
nano .smbcred

Paste and customise
Save and change permissions:
chmod 600 ~/.smbcred

Edit fstab:
sudo nano /etc/fstab

Paste and customise:
//yourserver/yourshare /media/video cifs credentials=/home/youruser/.smbcred 0 0

Save & exit, reload fstab:
mount -a

Check if the folder is accessible.

Running Jellyfin

Create folders for Docker bind mounts:
sudo mkdir /usr/jellyfin
sudo mkdir /usr/jellyfin/config
sudo mkdir /usr/jellyfin/cache

Get container:
docker pull jellyfin/jellyfin

Start Jellyfin using the folders created before:
sudo docker run -d --name jellyfin --user 1000:1000 --net=host --volume /usr/jellyfin/config --volume /usr/jellyfin/cache --mount type=bind,source=/media/windows,target=/media --restart=unless-stopped jellyfin/jellyfin

Check user and group values if necessary. (id -u youruser and id -g youruser)

Jellyfin should be up and the cifs share should be available, check http://yourserver:8096 and finish the wizard

In case of issues or more info check

Using Windows shares

Jellyfin does not handle SMB, media folders on Windows machines should be mounted on the local server in /etc/fstab. Point docker to the mountpoint.